Professional Master in Public Health

Public Health - Prevention - Health Promotion

The programme is offered in the German language and is thus directed at prospective students with a good command of German. The programme’s German-language web pages provide detailed information needed on the content of the course and application procedures.

The professional Master in Public Health offers you an academic-level professional education addressing all aspects of the professional and personal requirements in the field of public health. In addition to acquiring extensive expertise in prevention and health promotion, the clear focus of this course of study is upon conveying competence in health management. The programme is also the only one of its kind in Germany in which you have the option of specialising in one of two fields in health care: Prevention and Health Promotion in employment and organisation or in digital health.

Professional Masters programme Public Health ©Leuphana/Anne Gabriel-Jürgens
Professional Masters programme Public Health at Leuphana Professional School

At a glance

Degree: Master of Public Health (MPH)
Credit Points: 60
Length of Study: 4 terms extra-occupational
Language: German
Study Places: 25
Start Date: in April
Application Deadline: January 31st
Costs: 10.800 Euro plus the current term contribution of 210 Euro per term, instalment payments possible
Programme Director: Prof. Dr. Dirk Lehr

Perspectives: The Masters in Public Health makes you fit for a healthy future

The Master’s in Public Health Prevention and Health Promotion opens up new career opportunities for you and while making you sought-after experts in the health-care area.

You have a variety of skills in

  • scientific analysis
  • strategic planning
  • and implementation and assessment of health-related projects.

You have the ability

  • to develop health-promotional programmes for implementation in the field that take the economic, legal and ethical aspects of health-promoting programmes into account,
  • to implement the principle of ‘promoting health, preventing illness’ in a practical setting,
  • to assist and act in a preventive manner.

Admission requirements and application

For whom is the MPH Programme well-suited?

The Master in Public Health is designed for experts and executives in health care, social services and education and the private sector who are interested in acquiring not only practical expertise but also key personal skills and seek to broaden their opportunities  in the growth sector of ‘Prevention and Health promotion’. Graduates of this course of study are also qualified to assume expert and executive responsibilities calling for scientifically sound skills.

Course of study: Study for the Master of Public Health at weekends

The programme is designed to permit you to remain employed parallel to your studies, and to earn your degree in just 24 months' time without any loss of earnings. Even outside of classroom-attendance periods, you will be assisted at all times through a learning platform and regular contact with faculty, programme administrators and programme co-ordination staff. An MPH from Leuphana University of Lüneburg is an internationally recognised university degree and offers the possibility of pursuing a doctoral degree. With the exception of the Master’s Thesis, students can register for all of the modules individually as well.

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This programme received external accreditation by the FIBAA.

Contact & Advising

Karen Ahrlich
Wilschenbrucher Weg 84a, W314
21335 Lüneburg
Fon 04131.677-7958

E-mail contact

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