- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter. Projekt: ‘Evaluating the Delivery of Participatory Environmental Governance using an Evidence-Based Research Design’ (EDGE). Föderung: European Research Council (ERC), FP7 Ref: 263859 (Seit Juni 2011).
- Honorary Research Associate. School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria Unicersity of Wellington, Neuseeland (seit August 2012).
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Neuseeland (August 2010 bis Februar 2011).
- Research Assistant, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Neuseeland (Februar 2010 bis August 2010).
- Teaching Fellow/Course Coordinator: ‘Development in the Asia Pacific’ (GEOG112), School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Neuseeland (Juni 2008 bis November 2008).
- Associate Lecturer: ‘Geographies of Globalisation’ (GEOG316), und ‘Worlds of Development’ (GEOG212), School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Neuseeland (Marz 2006 bis November 2010).
- Promotion (PhD), School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Neuseeland. Föderung: Victoria University of Wellington Vice Chancellor’s Strategic Research Scholarship. Dissertation über ‘Agri-Food Globalisation and Rural Transformation in Chile’ (Marz 2006 bis Februar 2010).
- Studium Geographie, Victoria University of Wellington, Neuseeland (2003-2004). Master of Arts (MA).
- Studium Geographie, Victoria University of Wellington, Neuseeland (2002). BSc Honours.
- Studium Geographie und Umweltwissenschaften, an der Victoria University of Wellington, Neuseeland (1997, 2000-2001). Bachelor of Science (BSc).
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