Prof. Dr. Anna Lisa Ramella
Universitätsallee 1, C40.528
Fon +49.4131.677-2295 (Sekr.),
Fon +49.4131.677-2295 (Sekr.),
Junior Professor,
Junior professorship for Cultural Studies Methods
I am a visual and media anthropologist interested in outer space research, mobility and migration, media practices, rhythm, practice theory, and post-/decolonial theory and practice. Before joining Leuphana University, I was research associate at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at University of Cologne and postdoc in the CRC Future Rural Africa in a project on "Testing Future", for which I did research on future-making, migration, lateral work practices, materialities and ruinations in Kenya. I received my PhD from the University of Siegen, "Locating Media", with a project on the mobility and media practices of touring musicians.