Sustainability Science minor

Minor at Leuphana College

The minor in Sustainability Science focuses on issues pertaining to the future of sustainable development. Students pursuing this minor will analyse the consequences of global change and develop sustainable solutions to real social problems that arise from unsustainable practices.

Studying the minor in Sustainability Science

The minor in Sustainability Science provides a comprehensive exploration of the issue of sustainable development and integrates social, cultural, ecological/environmental and economic perspectives through project-based work. It includes inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration with representatives of various research and practice fields.

You will get a broad overview on sustainability but also in-depth knowledge by engaging in one specific topic offered by the profiles that focus on Ecological Restoration for Sustainaibility (in English), Cradle to Cradle & Life Cycle Assessment (in German) and Sustainability Governance (in German).

Course content

In the Sustainability Science minor, you look into issues of the future, analysing the consequences of non-sustainable ways of acting, describing the complex systems involved in this and working on sustainable solutions with a more natural scientific or human scientific focus, depending on the chosen strand.

The profile is selected in the first semester and then kept for the duration of your minor studies. The profiles with human scientific focus are provided in German (Cradle to Cradle & Life Cycle Assessment, and Sustainability Governance). The two humanities profiles alternate. In the odd-numbered summer semesters, the Sustainability Governance profile starts, and in the even-numbered semesters, the Cradle to Cradle & Life Cycle Assessment profile starts.The profile with natural scientific focus, Ecological Restoration for Sustainaibility, is provided in English and starts with a new cohort every year.

In each of the profiles, a specific selected problem field will act as an object of investigation, the interrelationships of which you describe and investigate from the perspectives of different subjects. Over the course of study, you will transfer this problem to a concrete space, in order to be able to assess and apply your findings in regional contexts.

In addition, you will try out control and solution methods for sustainable development, by implementing your own projects in the region and thus establishing the bridge between theory and practice.

To have an overview of the different strands and the projects conducted by former cohorts, see the Blog of the Minor in Sustainability Science.

Special Features

Fundamental to the Sustainability Science minor is the autonomous and largely self-organised development of your knowledge base and of practice-relevant solutions. Cooperation with partners in the social sciences complements the trans-disciplinary approach of study.

You will systematically analyse problems within a selected case area, and in the fourth and fifth semesters you will develop and implement projects, thereby contributing to sustainable development solutions. Work will be in small, interdisciplinary teams including students of other majors, giving you the opportunity to bring your respective expertise to the creative design.

Sustainability research

In the field of sustainability research, Leuphana University of Lüneburg has an established and strong research profile in different areas and disciplines. Research profile

Leuphana Bachelor: Studying at College

In the Leuphana Bachelor with Sustainability Science minor, you combine specialist knowledge with solution-oriented thinking and responsible action. The Leuphana Semester and Complementary Studies provide the framework for dealing with socially relevant topics outside your chosen major/minor combination. They are an integral part of the Leuphana Bachelor and give you the freedom to immerse yourself in different fields of knowledge and to develop viable solutions for the challenges of the future together with other college students.

Possible major combinations for Sustainability Science minor

Business Information Systems (GER)
Cultural Studies (GER)
Cultural Studies: Organization, Society, and the Arts (ENG)
Digital Media (ENG)
Economics (ENG)
Engineering (GER)
International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship (ENG)
Law (GER)
Political Science (GER)
Psychology (ENG)
Studium Individuale (ENG)

Language of instruction

ENG Eng­lish-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: no Ger­man re­qui­red
GER Ger­man-lan­gua­ge sub­ject: Ger­man re­qui­red

Compulsory modules

The Sustainability Science minor (30 CP) is embedded in the Leuphana Bachelor with Leuphana Semester, Major and Complementary Studies. You start your Bachelor studies with the Leuphana Semester (30 CP). The first semester at Leuphana College gives you the opportunity to deal fundamentally with science. The Minor deepens or supplements your Major (90 CP) with another subject area. In Complementary Studies (30 CP) you have the freedom to pursue your thirst for knowledge individually by immersing yourself in a different field of knowledge each semester.

Leuphana Semester

  • Transforming knowledge: responsible action
  • Problematising knowledge: critical thinking
  • Producing knowledge: methodologies
  • Producing knowledge: research methods
  • Introduction to the discipline

2. Semester

  • Basics of Sustainable Development
  • 4 major modules
  • 1 Complementary Studies module

3. Semester

  • Basics of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research
  • 1 Complementary Studies module

4. Semester

  • Transforming Complex Systems: Interdisciplinary Project Design
  • Transforming Complex Systems: Transdisciplinary Cooperation
  • 3 major modules
  • 1 Complementary Studies module

5. Semester

  • Shaping the Future: Transdisciplinary Project
  • 3 major modules
  • 1 Complementary Studies module

6. Semester

  • Bachelor dissertation
  • 1 major module
  • 2 Complementary Studies modules

Please note

You can study the minor entirely in English: both of the introductory modules in the second and third semesters as well as all modules within the natural-science-oriented profile Ecological Restoration for Sustainability are offered in English.

Study regulations / Subject-Specific Schedule

Study objective and target group

The minor in Sustainability Science introduces you to the concept of sustainable development, taking into account social, ecological, cultural and economic perspectives.

In this way you will acquire, in addition to specialist knowledge, especially interdisciplinary knowledge and competencies, such as thinking in complex contexts, the capability for interdisciplinary cooperation with representatives of different subjects and constructive dialogue with actors from social action fields of sustainable development. By means of group processes and a problem-oriented approach you will also acquire a range of soft skills, such as, for example, the ability to chair and present and to perform project management.

Therefore, through the minor in Sustainability Science, you will acquire both sustainability expertise and professional qualifications.

Prerequisites for successful participation include a willingness to look at the bigger picture and to engage in an intensive exchange.

Profession and Career

The minor in Sustainability Science complements the skills acquired in your major, providing you with broad, practical expertise in such areas as business, public administration, politics and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

Collaboration with people with varying professional expertise or who operate in a non-scientific context, and their associated ability to analyse problems from different perspectives, will enable you to work at the interface of different disciplines.

As a result, you will be qualified to undertake tasks that focus on issues such as sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and/or sustainable planning.

At a glance

  • final degree: Sustainability Science minor can only be studied in combination with a major
  • admission restrictions: no (from WiSe 24/25)
  • number of student places: 47
  • teaching and examination language: German / English*

*You can study the minor entirely in English if you choose the natural-science-oriented profile "Ecological Restoration for Sustainability".


Events for prospective students

Student counselling service

Clarify your questions in a personal conversation during the Open Advisory Service. You can take advantage of digital counselling at short notice without registering. The College study advisors will be happy to help you:

  • Wednesdays from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (in person on campus)
  • Thursdays from 4-6 p.m. (digitally via Zoom)

Find out more

Contact & Counseling

Initial Information

Information Office (Infoportal)
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg
Phone +49.4131.677-2277
Fax +49.4131.677-1430
Opening hours
Term time & term break:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fr 9 - 12 a.m.

Arrange an appointment

College's Student Counselling Service
Buil­ding 8, ground floor
Uni­ver­sitätsal­lee 1, 21335 Lüne­burg
Open Con­sul­ta­ti­on Hours
Wed  11 – 13 h (on campus)
Thu 16 – 18 h (via Zoom)

Programme Director

  • Prof. Dr. Berta Martín-López