Prof. Dr. David Loschelder

David Loschelder is a professor of business and social psychology. His research focuses on human experience and behavior in pricing decisions, negotiations, and conflict, and on success and failure in self-control. In particular, he is fascinated by the effect of entry bids and anchor effects, the influence of precise versus round numbers, procedural framing, ego depletion, self-control and digital skills training, social identity process, smartphone use, the interplay of posture and power, psycho-physiological measures, and meta-analyses. David Loschelder is married and has two daughters (*2013, *2014).
University Commitment
Since April 2019: Deputy delegate to the Psychology Faculty Association of the DGPs (FTPs).
since October 2018: member of the habilitation committee
since April 2018: Vice Dean Research, Faculty of Business and Economics
since October 2018: Representative in the Joint Board of Examiners, International Joint Master of Research in Psychology
since January 2018: Coordination & conception of the Leuphana Business Forum
since October 2017: Trustee of the German National Academic Foundation of the Leuphana Scholarship Group
since May 2017: Chairman of the Examination Board, Faculty of Business and Economics
since Oct. 2016: Coordinator of the Leuphana Complementary Profile "Psychology & its Social Significance"
2016 & 2017: Organization of the 1st Leuphana and 2nd Leuphana Psychology Congresses.
Academic career
Since March 2018: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Professor of Economic, Social Psychology & Methods.
May - Sept. 2018: Fulbright scholar for research stay at the universities in Berkeley & Stanford, USA.
April 2016 - February 2018: Leuphana University of Lüneburg, assistant professor for economic psychology & experimental methods.
February - May 2015: Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, NYC, USA, research visit; German Academic Exchange Service.
2013 - 2016: Academic Council at Saarland University, Department of Social Psychology (Chair: Prof. Malte Friese)
2013 and 2015: parental leave (08-10/2013 and 08-11/2015)
2010 - 2013: PhD student and scholarship holder at the German National Academic Foundation - University of Trier, Germany.
January - February 2012: INSEAD Business School, Fontainebleau, France - research stay
2018: Habilitation (venia legendi) in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Saarland University, Germany.
2013: Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) in psychology, Department of Social Psychology, University of Trier, Germany
2010: M.Sc. in psychology (Dipl. Psych.), University of Trier, Germany
2007 - 2008: M. Phil. in Social and Developmental Psychology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
2006: B.Sc. in Psychology (Vordiplom) - University of Trier, Germany
Third-party funding and fellowships
- German Research Foundation (DFG) - research project on "Anchor Precision in Negotiation" - LO 2201/2-1 (2016-2019; collaboration: Malte Friese)
- German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and European Social Fund (ESF) - Research project on media literacy training and self-control in companies (e.g., MAN Schiffsmotorenwerke, InVivo Tech, Knauer GmbH; start 05/2017).
- German Research Foundation (DFG) - Research project on "Psycho-physiology, Mental Effort, and Ego Depletion" (2016-2019; Collaboration: Malte Friese & Veronika Job).
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - PostDoc Fellowship for a three-month research stay at Columbia Business School, NYC, USA (Collaboration: Adam Galinsky)
- PhD scholarship "Third-party Intervention in Intergroup Negotiations" - Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation)
- Travel and research stays at Saarland University, DAAD conference grant, IACM, DAAD Promos, INSEAD Business School, University of Trier, University of Cambridge - Fitzwilliam College and the DRRC at Northwestern University, Chicago
- "Rising Star Award" for the year 2016 from the American Association for Psychological Science (APS).
- "Jos Jaspars Medal" - Early Career Award of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP).
- Award of the University of Trier for the best dissertation, topic: Intergroup conflict and third-party intervention: Social identities at the negotiation table. Donor: Nikolaus Koch Foundation
- Teaching Evaluation Award for the best lecture in the academic year 2015/2016, lecture on Applied Social Psychology for M.Sc. students, awarded by the student body of Saarland University, based on formal teaching evaluations.
- Four teaching evaluation awards for seminars in:
(1) Experimental Research Methods for Masters Students (2016).
(2) Media & Social Psychology (2014)
(3) Scientific Projects: Physiology, Framing and Anchoring Effects (2014)
(4) Classical Studies in Social Psychology (2013).
- Dispute Resolution Research Center Paper Award (DRRC; Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA) for the paper presented at the 24th IACM Conference in Istanbul, Turkey.
- Best Paper and best Workshop Awards at the 20th and 22nd European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations (EFPSA) conferences in Lithuania and the Czech Republic, respectively.