Dr. Ilia Antenucci
Research associate, Institute of Sociology and Cultural Organization
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute for Sociology and Cultural Organizations (ISKO) and at the Center for Digital Cultures (CDC), Leuphana University of Lüneburg.
Since September 2021, I am part of the “Automating the Logistical City: Space, Algorithms, Speculation” project, led by Prof. Dr. Armin Beverungen.
In 2020, I was awarded a six month fellowship from the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) of Bochum, during which I worked on urban testbeds for 5G and IoT technologies.
For my PhD project, based at the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, and completed in 2020, I investigated the processes of urban digitalisation in New Town Kolkata and Cape Town. I have a MA in political philosophy from the University of Bologna, Italy.