Prof. Dr. Jörn Fischer

Prof. Dr. Joern Fischer is Professor of Sustainable Landscapes at Leuphana's Social-Ecological-Systems-Institute (SESI), which he co-directs with Prof. Berta Martín-Lopez. His research interests include sustainability science, landscape ecology, social-ecological systems, conservation science, and conservation biology. Working on three different continents (Australia, Europe, Africa), Joern Fischer has published more than 200 journal articles to date and has made both empirical and conceptual contributions to social-ecological systems science, most recently in research projects on the intersection of food security and biodiversity conservation in southwestern Ethiopia. With his blog "Ideas for Sustainability", Joern Fischer also targets a lay audience.
Academic Positions
- since 2010: Professor of Sustainable Landscapes, Social-Ecological-Systems-Institute (SESI), previously at the Institute of Ecology, Leuphana
- 2014-2019: ERC Consolidator Grantee ("Identifying Social-Ecological System Properties Benefiting Biodiversity and Food Security (SESyP)")
- 2010-2015: Sofja Kovalevskaja-Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- 2009-2010: The Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Fellow (Level C)
- 2007-2009: The Fenner School of Env. and Society, Australian National University, Research Fellow (Level B)
- 2005-2006: Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Postdoctoral Fellow
- 2000-2001: Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, Research Assistant
Academic Training
- 2001-2004: PhD, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University (Primary Supervisor: Professor David B. Lindenmayer)
- 1997-2000: Department of Geography, Australian National University: BSc, First Class Honours, University Medal, (Bachelor of Science with focus on resource and environmental management)
Selected Awards and Activities
- 2023: Beijer Fellow (Beijer Intitute of Ecological Economics, Sweden)
- since 2020: Elected Fellow, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany
- 2017-2022: Member of the advisory board of the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (Royal Swedish
Academy, Sweden) - 2014: ERC Consolidator Grant, single PI excellence scheme (€ 1,800,000)
- 2010: Sofja Kovalevskaja Award (€ 1,500,000, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
- On the Editorial Boards of: Conservation Letters, Diversity & Distributions, Ecology & Society