Prof. Dr. Johannes Lohse

Fon +49.4131.677-2295 (Sekr.),
Prof. Dr. Johannes Lohse is a W1 Professor of Law and Economics at the Institute of Economics and at the Methods Center of Leuphana University. His research interests are at the intersection of behavioral economics, environmental economics, and applied microeconomics. The focus of his research is on the provision of public goods across generations as well as the effects of incentives, rules, and norms on private contributions to environmental and climate protection. Prof. Lohse employs empirical and experimental methods in his work. His research projects have been funded by the British Academy, ESRC, AHRC, UKRI, and BMBF, among others. Prof.Lohse is Co-Editor at the board of Environmental and Resource Economics.
Prior to his current position, Johannes Lohse served as an Assistant and later Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Birmingham, with which he continues to be associated as an honorary senior research fellow. He defended his doctoral thesis in economics in September 2015 at the University of Heidelberg. During his PhD, he completed a research stay at the Becker-Friedman Institute of the University of Chicago. He obtained his degree in International Economics from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and also studied abroad at the University of Melbourne.