Studies: B.Sc. Business Information Systems

Graduation year: 2014

Professional career: I founded an IT consulting company, which currently has 12 employees.

When I look back on my time at Leuphana today, I...

... I think of flexibility. Flexibility is a good description. Every year I was happy to choose different subjects in major, minor, and complementary. Not only have I met many new, interesting people, but I have also become richer in knowledge. Discussions with completely different people have shaped life at Leuphana.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

Theoretical topics were made interesting with practical examples and assignments. Things like business process modeling, CRM, and scientific work I use every day today.

What are the advantages of studying at Leuphana?

Studying at Leuphana has taught me openness. Through the minor and the complementary, I was given insights into completely different fields. Knowledge is power - and knowledge in many fields.

To whom would you recommend studying at Leuphana?

Open-minded, knowledge-hungry, determined people will find their place at Leuphana.

What experiences can I bring to the table as an Alumni Angel?

I have founded two companies, made some mistakes, but always found a good way out. The network, the experience, and the goal determine the success. I would like to pass that on.


Business start-up