Prof. Dr. Laura Venz

2023: Visiting scholar (1 month), DeGroote Business School, McMaster University, Canada
01/2022-current: Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology, Institute for Management & Organization, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany; funded by ias AG
2019-2021: Junior Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology, Institute for Management & Organization, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany; funded by ias AG
2019: Visiting scholar (3 months), DeGroote Business School, McMaster University, Canada
2016-2019: Postdoctoral researcher, Work and Organizational Psychology Unit, University of Mannheim, Germany
2015: Visiting scholar (5 months), Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida, USA
05/2015: PhD (Dr. rer. soc.), Universitity of Mannheim, Germany
2010-2015: Research assistant & PhD student, Work and Organizational Psychology unit, University of Mannheim, Germany
2012/13: Visiting scholar (3 months), School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia
2009-2010: Research assistant, Work and Organizational Psychology unit, University of Konstanz, Germany
07/2009: Diploma in Psychology (equivalent to a Master degree), TU Dresden, Germany