Maike Buhr, M.Sc.

Since 2011 Maike Buhr is at the Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM), where she was part of the MBA Sustainability Management team from December 2011 until September 2017. Her field of activity was research management and e-tutoring. Maike also conducted research in the project ‘Processes of Sustainability Transformation’ funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation and hosted by Leuphana University. She then worked at the Chair of Sustainability Economics and Management in the project 'Crowdfunding of Environmental Innovations' funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU). Since September 2023, she has been working in the project 'From Eco to Ecopreneur - Promoting the Foundation of Environmentally Oriented Start-Ups and SMEs in Environmentally Aware Target Groups', also funded by the DBU. She has been a lecturer in the MBA Sustainability Management since 2014. She studied political science as well as cultural and social anthropology at Muenster University and completed her Master of Science Degree in Human Ecology at Lund University (Sweden).
Within the scope of her research she is concerned with the question of how actors, especially individuals as change agents, can contribute to the sustainability transformation of, among others, the textile industry. Her research interests include change agents, leadership and entrepreneurship, organizational and competence development, corporate sustainability, education for sustainable development as well as sustainability transformations.