Prof. Dr. Matthias Wenzel

Matthias Wenzel is Professor of Organization Studies at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Before moving to Leuphana in September 2019, he conducted his studies (Bachelor: 2008; Master: 2011), PhD (2015) and the subsequent PostDoc phase at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).
Prof. Wenzel examines the interplay between organizing and strategizing through a practice lens as well as the societal implications of this interplay. He mostly conducts qualitative studies based on different analytical approaches, including critical discourse analysis and video analysis, among others. His work has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Human Relations, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Management Inquiry, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Long Range Planning, Organization Studies, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Strategic Management Journal, and Strategic Organization. Furthermore, he serves as Coeditor for Media Innovations of the Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and Global Strategy Journal, Senior Editor of Organization Studies (from 2025), and as member of the Editorial Board of the Project Management Journal and Strategic Organization.
For information on final theses, please refer to myStudy.