Dr. Meikel Soliman

Meikel Soliman is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Lab Manager of the "Leuphana Laboratories" at the Faculty of Management & Technology. His research is primarily concerned with consumer behavior. On the one hand, Meikel Soliman deals with topics such as emotions in the consumer context. For example, he investigates how people in (consumer) situations perceive the negative emotion of embarrassment and how they deal with it (coping strategies). Another field of research deals with consumer ethics. These are behaviors that do not conform to the generally accepted norms of behavior in the consumer context. How do people evaluate unethical behavior? He is also concerned with prosocial and responsible consumer behavior. This includes the following questions: How can people be guided towards donation behavior (the prosocial consumer) and sustainable consumer behavior (e.g. nudging)? What can responsible marketing look like? Finally, he explores the question of what people associate with the term happiness and which behaviors really make people happy (vs. what people think makes them happy).
- since 2020: Postdoctoral Researcher and Lab Manager, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
- March 2020: Dissertation on the topic: Taking a Behavioral Science Approach to Understand Blood Donation Behavior - Empirical Evidence and Implications for Blood Donor Marketing, University of Hamburg
- 2017 - 2019: Research assistant, PhD student, University of Hamburg
- 2013 - 2016: Studies with a focus on consumer behavior, Saarland University
- 2009 - 2013: Studied business administration, University of Hamburg
- Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
- Journal of Media Economics
- Psychology & Marketing
- Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing
- Regular reviewer for conferences: EMAC, SPSP
- Teaching award from the Psychology Student Council for the course "Inferential Statistics I"
- Teaching award of the Faculty of Management & Technology for the course "Inferential Statistics I"
- Teaching award from the Faculty of Management & Technology for the course "Marketing Ethics and Society"