Prof. Dr. Michael Ahlers

Associated member, The Future Centre of Teacher Education
2008 Ph.D. at University of Paderborn with the research topic: ‚Interface-Problems in Music Education: Historical and Empirical Studies on the Usage of Sequencer Software in Music Classes‘
1999–2001 Additional Studies of Musicology at Musikhochschule Detmold
1995–1999 Studies of Education with the subjects Music and German at University of Paderborn
Academic Positions
09/2012 Full Professorship for Music Education, in particular Popular Music, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Since 06/2012 Administration of a Professorship of Music Education, Leuphana University Lüneburg
09/2010 Professorship (part-time) for Music Education focusing on Digital Media, Leopold-Mozart-Zentrum, University Augsburg
Since 09/2009 Academic Advisor (part-time) at University Paderborn
Since 02/2005 Research Assistant, University Paderborn
2001–2005 Editor-in-Chief of the Journal ‚Musikunterricht und Computer‘ (computers in music education), Lugert Publishing House