
Mi­cha­el Fre­se holds a joint ap­point­ment at the Asia School of Management (in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management) and Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Lu­e­n­e­burg, Ger­ma­ny. His re­se­arch spans a wide ran­ge of ba­sic and ap­p­lied to­pics wi­t­hin or­ga­niza­t­io­nal be­ha­viour and work psy­cho­lo­gy. Most im­portant are his lon­gi­tu­di­nal stu­dies on psy­cho­lo­gi­cal ef­fects of un­em­ploy­ment, im­pact of stress at work, pre­dic­tors of per­so­nal in­itia­ti­ve, as well as psy­cho­lo­gi­cal suc­cess fac­tors of en­tre­pre­neurs. He is also known for his (cross-na­tio­nal) re­se­arch on in­no­va­ti­on. His field stu­dies on er­rors, er­ror ma­nage­ment, and er­ror ma­nage­ment cul­tu­re have re­cei­ved wide at­ten­ti­on. In ad­di­ti­on he is stu­dy­ing trai­ning - most im­port­ant­ly the con­cept of er­ror ma­nage­ment trai­ning, lea­dership trai­ning and trai­ning to im­pro­ve en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al suc­cess and per­so­nal in­itia­ti­ve. Most re­cent­ly, he has done stu­dies on cul­tu­ral fac­tors in or­ga­niza­t­i­on and across na­ti­ons, re­se­arch that looks at psy­cho­lo­gi­cal suc­cess fac­tors in en­tre­pre­neurs in de­ve­lo­ping coun­tries (Af­ri­ca, La­tin Ame­ri­ca, and Asia) and in Eu­ro­pe.
Prof. Fre­se has been selec­ted as a Fel­low at the Aca­de­my of Ma­nage­ment (AOM).The fel­lowship re­co­gni­s­es and ho­no­urs mem­bers of the AOM who have made si­gni­fi­cant cont­ri­bu­ti­ons to the sci­ence and prac­tice of ma­nage­ment. He is also selec­ted as a mem­ber of the Ger­man Na­tio­nal Aca­de­my of Sci­en­ces Leo­pol­di­na, one of the ol­dest aca­de­mies in the world. It selects out­stan­ding sci­en­tists – in na­tu­ral sci­en­ces, life sci­en­ces, be­ha­viou­ral and em­pi­ri­cal so­ci­al sci­en­ces, and the hu­ma­nities – who play a cru­ci­al role in ad­vi­sing and gui­ding po­li­cy ma­kers
Prof. Fre­se has aut­ho­red more than 135 peer re­view­ed jour­nal ar­ti­cles and about 200 book chap­ters, and was edi­tor/​aut­hor of more than 25 books and spe­cial is­su­es. He is Ger­ma­ny’s most fre­quent­ly ci­ted work and or­ga­niza­t­io­nal psy­cho­lo­gist and busi­ness and ma­nage­ment sci­en­tist and one of the most fre­quent­ly ci­ted Eu­ro­peans.

You can download Prof. Frese's CV here.





