Prof. Dr.-Ing. Paolo Mercorelli
- Summer Semester 2025 Visiting Professor at Lublin University of Technology (Poland) and responsable for the course of "Kalman Filters and its Applications".
- In the list of World’s Top 2% Scientists 2024 in accordance with Elsevier Database and featured in Stanford University
- Winter Semester 2024/2025 Visiting Professor at Lublin University of Technology (Poland) and responsable for the course of "Control Systems".
- In the list of World’s Top 2% Scientists 2023 in accordance with Elsevier Database and featured in Stanford University
- Summer 2023 - through the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) - lectures held at National Public Research Universtiy of Kentucky, Kentucky, (USA)
- Visiting Professor at Chandigarh University (India) and responsable for the course "Control of Nonlinear Systems", 13th February-5th May 2023
- In the list of World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022 in accordance with Elsevier Database and featured in Stanford University
- Editor-in-Chief for the Section „Engineering Mathematics“ in „Mathematics“, an Open Access Journal from MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
- In the list of World’s Top 2% Scientists 2021 in accordance with Elsevier Database and featured in Stanford University
- Summer 2021 - through the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) - lectures held at National Public Research Wright Universtiy (Ohio State University)
- In the list of World’s Top 2% Scientists 2020 in accordance with Elsevier Database and featured in Stanford University
- Summer 2020 - through the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) - lectures held at University of Nevada (Las Vegas and Reno) and University of Arkansas (Fayetteville)
- Spring 2020 - Visiting Professor at the University of Craiova in the context of 1st International Doctoral Workshop on Advanced Approaches in Robotics, Control and Computing of the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, Craiova (Romania)
- Der Zahlendreher: Article in PRISE - Das Lifestylemagazin
- Fall 2019 - Visiting Professor University of Miskolc in the context of the PhD School. Department of Automation and Communication Technology, Miskolc (Hungary)
- In the list of World’s Top 2% Scientists 2019 in accordance with Elsevier Database and featured in Stanford University
- Since winter semester of the academic year 2017/2018 - International Distinguished Visiting Professor Fellowship at the institute of Automatic Control of Lodz University of Technology (Poland). He has been responsible for the course of "Modelling of Industrial Control Systems" and for the course of "Modelling Methods of Analog Circuits" at the Master Course in Automatic Control and Robotics
- Since 2018 - International Visiting Scientist Fellowship at the Academy of Science of Prague (Czech Republic)
- Since 01.03.2012 W3-Professorship (Distinguished Professor) and Head of the Chair of "Control and Drive Systems" at Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany) (Full Professor: Professor Ordinarius according to the W3 German academic ranking)
- 2011 - Visiting Professor of System Dynamics at Villanova University (Pennsylvania, USA)
- 2011 - Received the Call for the Professorship of System Dynamics at Villanova University (Pennsylvania, USA). The Call was transfomed in a Visiting Professorship in order to remain in Germany
- In 2010 included in the short list of the candidates for Associate Professor in Electrical and Hybrid Drive Systems, VL-2010-0004 of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology of Stocholm
- 2009 - Visiting Professor of Mechatronics at the German University in Cairo (Egypt)
- 2009 - Received the Call for the Professorship of Mechatronics at the German Univrsity in Cairo (Egypt). The Call was transfomed in a Visiting Professorship in order to remain in Germany.
- 01.03.2005 - 29.02.2012 W2-Professor of "Process informatics" at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences in Wolfsburg (Germany) (Associate Professor according to the W2 German academic ranking)
- 01.03.2002-28.02.2005 - Head of the Control Engineering Group at the IAI GmbH (Institute for Automation and Computer Science, Centre for Industrial Research and Development) Wernigerode (Germany)
- 01.04.2001-29.02.2002 - Research assistant at the University of Siena (Italy)
- 20.07.1998 - 31.03.2001 - Postdoctoral Fellowship by European Commission (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Program / Research Associate), ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) Corporate Research AG in Heidelberg (Germany). The Marie Curie Actions research fellowship program is a set of mobility research grant schemes funding pre- and post-doctoral researchers in Europe as well as experienced researchers from all over the world. The Marie-Curie Fellowships are Europe’s most competitive and prestigious awards, and are aimed at fostering interdisciplinary research and international collaborations.
- 01.01.1997 - 30.11.1997 - Scientific work at the University of Santa Barbara (California) (USA) according to the doctoral program
- 01.11.1994 - 31.12.1998 - Scientific activity at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna according to the doctoral program