Prof. Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn

Fon +49.4131.677-2535,
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn has been head of the Business Administration Department, in particular Communication and Cultural Management, since 2001. This department deals with Strategic Corporate Communications, especially with issues that move managers and present them with new challenges.
The research focuses on communication management and ranges from Communication in Change, Corporate Perception and Reputation, Branding to questions of Communication Management in Cultural Landscape. The basis of her research is an interdisciplinary theory formation that incorporates economic, social communication and behavioural science findings as well as interdisciplinary aspects of cultural studies.
In the field of teaching, she is involved in numerous teaching programs and courses at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level at Leuphana University. Furthermore, she is involved in the transfer of research into practice through numerous theory-practice concepts.
Academic career
- Assistant professorships at the universities of Frankfurt/Main (1990/1991), Paderborn (2000) and Siegen (2001)
- 1996: Habilitation on the topic: Market-oriented brand valuation - a consumer and company-oriented view
- 1988: Dissertation on the topic: Nonverbal communication in television advertising
- 1984-1993: Research assistant, university assistant in Paderborn
- 1978-1984: Studies of Business Administration at the University of Paderborn (Dipl.-Kffr.)
University commitment
- since 2018: Dean of Studies at the College of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- since 2018: Course Director for the Master Cultural Management & Art
- since 2018: Ombudsman for professors
- since 2017: Member of the team of spokespersons of the Institute Council of the Institute of Management & Organization
- since 2016: Course Coordinator Bachelor Business Administration: Management & Behavior
- since 2009: Course Director for the Master Management & Business Development
- Forschungszentrum Digitale Transformation
- Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Kommission Marketing
- Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
- Forschungsgruppe "Konsum & Verhalten"
- Deutsche werbewissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V.
- Founding member of the Fachverband Kulturmanagement e.V. (Verband zur gemeinsamen Förderung des Kulturmanagements in Forschung und Lehre)
- Werkstatt für Organisations- und Personalforschung e.V.
Expert activities
- Regular reviewer for the magazine Marketing ZFP
- Consultant for the 3rd International Trademark Day. Vienna, 2009.
- Consultant for the ICORIA (International Conference on Research in Advertising). Saarbrücken, 2005.
- Reviewer for EAERCD (International Conference on Research in Distributive Trades). Saarbrücken, 2005.
- Reviewer for the Annual Conference of the ACR (Association for Consumer Research). Berlin, 2002.
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn is co-editor of the publication series of the research group Consumption and Behaviour, which is published in the Gabler Edition Wissenschaft. She is also member of the editorial board of the Journal of Cultural Management: Art, Politics, Sience und Society and co-editor of the Weimar Studies on Cultural Policy and Cultural Economics.