You'll find an overview of the current events in our online calendar.


Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 5pm we gather in the ArchipelagoLab (C5.225) for our Labmeeting to be together and exchange ideas. Feel free to join.

The events for the summer term will be continously updated from April on.

Summer Term 2024

May 7 - Critical Whiteness in Film as Decolonial Strategy?

Discussion and film excerpts
ArchipelagoLab (C5.225)

Using film excerpts, we want to discuss if and how the concept of Critical Whiteness can be productively applied in documentary and artistic-essayistic films. To what extent are Critical Whiteness approaches in film suitable for anti racist and decolonial image politics?

Organized by Leon Follert and Julian Volz.


March 7 – Performative approach to the concept of abandonment | Colectivo Penitente

Colectivo Penitente ©Colectivo Penitente
Performative approach to the concept of abandonment | Colectivo Penitente

*Event Note*
Video Installation + Talk with Artists
Colectivo Penitente
Avenir Rösterei (Ilmenaugarten 137c, Lüneburg)
This event will be in English.

Colectivo Penitente is a Colombian interdisciplinary art collective. Their video project approaches the concept of abandonment, combining visual arts and dance. The realization of the four chapters dance series was supported by the Colombian Government and enrolled more than fifteen dancers in a collaborative and performative process.