Q&A: Definite Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

  • What can I study at Leuphana University of Lüneburg?
  • Do I need to demonstrate German language proficiency for studying at Leuphana?
  • What are the admission requirements for seeking degree students?
  • Why do I have to apply via uni-assist and not directly to Leuphana University?
  • Why do I have to attend a "Studienkolleg" before getting admission at Leuphana University of Lüneburg?
  • Can I get credit for previous academic achievements?
  • What are the costs for studying and living in Lüneburg?
  • What exactly is the semester ticket?
  • Which financial support possibilities exist?
  • Do I need to bring cash to Lueneburg?
  • Do I need a second bank account (besides the blocked account)?
  • What are the visa and residence regulations?
  • How can I find accommodation in Lüneburg?
  • Do I get support upon my arrival?
  • Which support offers exist for international students?
  • Am I allowed to work while studying? Are there jobs for students?
  • What about internship opportunities in Germany? How can I find an internship?
  • How do I find medical help?

What can I study at Leuphana University of Lüneburg?

You will find an overview of our undergraduate and graduate programs of study here:

Do I need to demonstrate German language proficiency for studying at Leuphana?

Applicants with a foreign higher education entrance qualification who would like to apply for a bachelor’s or master’s program at Leuphana University of Lüneburg  that is taught in German need to prove sufficient German language skills.

Please find an overview on German language certificates that are accepted at Leuphana below:

You can take the DSH examination at Leuphana University of Lüneburg within your first year of studies and the university offers preparatory courses during the semester for this purpose. In addition, the International Summer University program offers intensive courses preparing for the DSH. Further information on the DSH can be found here.

What are the admission requirements for seeking degree students?

International applicants for a bachelor’s program can find all necessary information on the application and admission procedure here

International applicants for a master’s program can find all information on the Leuphana Graduate School website

Why do I have to apply via uni-assist and not directly to Leuphana University?

The Leuphana University uses uni-assist, similar to many other German universities, to check the documents of applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification regarding completeness and fulfilment of the required entrance qualifications. Please direct all questions regarding the processing status of your application at uni-assist.

Applicants for the Master in International Economic Law should apply directly to the University of Lüneburg and NOT via uni-assist.

Further information can be found on the website of uni-assist

Why do I have to attend a "Studienkolleg" before getting admission at Leuphana University of Lüneburg?

If your educational background, e.g. you school leaving certificate, does not meet the requirements for direct  entrance to university studies in Germany, you can attend a one-year preparatory course at a German Studienkolleg and take the final examination (“Feststellungsprüfung”), provided that you meet the admissions requirements of the Studienkolleg.

This exam serves to assess your personal suitability for university studies in Germany; it is, however, restricted to certain subject areas. If uni-assist informs Leuphana University of Lüneburg that you can be admitted to university studies only after taking the “Feststellungsprüfung”, Leuphana will register you directly at the Lower Saxony Studienkolleg in Hanover and provide you with further information.

Information on the Studienkolleg for Lower Saxony can be found here

Can I get credit for previous academic achievements?

Should you have already studied in your home country or in Germany, you can apply to get your previous academic achievements credited at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. The application has to be made via the examinations service (Prüfungsservice) of the Leuphana before the relevant deadlines. If it is accepted, you have the option to apply for a higher study semester.

Further information and the relevant forms can be found here:

What are the costs for studying and living in Lüneburg?

Living expenses will depend on your lifestyle. Therefore, it is difficult to calculate exactly how much money you will need for your stay abroad. However, the following figures will give you a general idea:
The rent for on-campus or off-campus housing usually amounts to 300 to 450 euros per month. In addition, you will need about 180 to 230 euros for food, 80 euros for health insurance coverage (except for students who have valid health insurance coverage in Germany), and 120 to 200 euros for books, clothing and leisure time activities. In Lower Saxony students needn't pay any tuition fee. However,  there will be charged a fee of approx. 260 euros for services provided (e.g. reduced prices at the University's canteen) and the student ID card, which includes the Semesterticket.

What exactly is the semester ticket?

The semester ticket allows students after a lump sum paying to use public transportation in Lüneburg and the surrounding area as well as all regional trains in Lower Saxony at no additional cost. You can also go by regional train to Bremen, Lübeck and Hamburg.

Which financial support possibilities exist?

Generally, you should clarify how to finance your studies in Germany relatively early, before you arrive. Find out if there are organisations in your home country which fund studies abroad.

Scholarships opportunities for studies in Germany can be found in the scholarship database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Please note, that scholarships for foreign students are often only granted for 1-2 semesters. Find out more

Do I need to bring cash to Lueneburg?

It is not possible to exchange foreign currencies in Lüneburg.

Do I need a second bank account (besides the blocked account)?

Yes, it is recommended to have another bank account. The rent, deposit, semester fees and bus tickets are paid by bank transfer.

What are the visa and residence regulations?

All necessary information on entrance (visa) and residence regulations can be found here

How can I find accommodation in Lüneburg?

In Lüneburg you can apply for a room in a student residence. These are often in shared flats, which means you will share a kitchen and bathroom with other students. Many students in Lüneburg also look for rooms in private shared apartments or rent their own small flat. You can find a list of all relevant websites and addresses on our website. Be prepared to be interviewed by the landlord/landlady.

Do I get support upon my arrival?

The International Center will assign each incoming exchange student a buddy. Your "buddy" is a fellow student who has volunteered to help you settle in and make you feel at home in Lüneburg. At first, your buddy will take you from the airport or train station to your place of accommodation. Once you have settled in a little, he or she will show you around Lüneburg and the University. Your buddy is your personal contact person and might even become a good friend of yours.

Please sign up for our buddy program by sending an e-mail.

Which support offers exist for international students?

At Leuphana University of Lüneburg you can find various types of support, such as

  • The Student Advisory Service of the College and Graduate School assist prospective students in choosing the right program of study, structuring their course of studies and exploring their future career options.
  • The International Center helps with questions regarding entry and residence requirements and provides assistance during your studies (leisure time activities, personal and confidential meetings to discuss your current state of studies, support from international tutors)
  • The German as a Foreign Language Department of the University’s Language Centre offers German classes for international students during the semester
  • The Wrinting Center assists international students in writing a term paper or any other type of assignment.
  • The “Studentenwerk OstNiedersachsen” offers social and legal counseling as well as psychological counseling
  • The protestant and catholic university community offers advice on both personal and study related problems

Am I allowed to work while studying? Are there jobs for students?

Students from EU countries are allowed to work indefinitely in Germany. Students from outside the EU who have a student visa are entitled to either work 120 full days or 240 half days per year. Detailed information can be found on this infomation sheet (pdf).

Jobs usually available for (international) students are for instance in the service sector such as waitressing or service jobs or sales jobs in shops or on the weekly market. The university also offers jobs for international students, which often include translation activities (depending on German language skills).

What about internship opportunities in Germany? How can I find an internship?

German students are encouraged to do internships during the course of their studies, and most organizations, both profit and non-profit, also offer placements to foreign students. So yes, your chances of finding an internship placement giving you an insight into working in practice are good. However, your German language skills should be profound enough to apply for an internship.

The International Center cannot provide you an internship. Please check the platforms of the Careerservice and Erasmus-Intern to look for an internship. 

The EU Higher Education Office of Hanover/Hildesheim assists students and graduates from foreign countries finding an internship placement in the region of Lower Saxony and writing an application.

How do I find medical help?

Here you can look for medical practioners who speak English.